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混合信号平台软件更新历史和下载 Mixed-Signal Platform Software/混合信号平台软件 instrustar 2024-11-23 0579 instrustar 2024-11-23 14:50
Mixed-Signal Platform Software update history and download address Mixed-Signal Platform Software/混合信号平台软件 instrustar 2024-11-23 0583 instrustar 2024-11-23 14:40 released Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 instrustar 2021-3-31 01963 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
SDK 2.8.6 released C SDK/二次开发包 instrustar 2021-3-31 01920 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
How to translate the english software to other language Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 instrustar 2021-5-10 01999 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
SDK add Python demo C SDK/二次开发包 instrustar 2021-6-1 01750 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
SDK add Labview Demo C SDK/二次开发包 instrustar 2021-9-20 01675 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
SDK add Qt Demo C SDK/二次开发包 instrustar 2022-5-25 01388 Anonymous 2024-11-19 12:35
Questrion about Sweeper control新人帖 Options Guide and User Guide John 2022-4-26 126244 admin 2024-5-17 09:16
Linking ISDS oscilloscope with smartphone Application Techniques dj2 2023-10-14 01619 dj2 2023-10-14 17:15
ISDS205B 在 Windows 11 23H2 無法工作新人帖 ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  Talang 2023-9-8 215648 Talang 2023-10-13 09:23
MultiVirAnalizer FFT新人帖 ISDS220 Series/ISDS220 系列 zsjkuki 2023-10-6 27122 zsjkuki 2023-10-8 22:52
MSO21BL 32MB - Frequency and Peak-to-Peak voltage APIs C SDK/C语言二次开发包 AvAmr_8x 2023-8-23 11416 admin 2023-10-8 10:02
Frequency and Peak-to-Peak voltage APIs新人帖 Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 AvAmr_8x 2023-8-23 0420 AvAmr_8x 2023-8-23 00:13
Russian version published Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 instrustar 2021-5-7 42032 Ernastrounk 2023-8-7 07:56
Instrustar FAQ Manual Options Guide and User Guide instrustar 2021-3-27 119480 Ernastrounk 2023-8-7 05:03
ISDS Series User Guide Options Guide and User Guide instrustar 2021-3-27 26299 Ernastrounk 2023-8-5 12:28
Selection Chart新人帖 Options Guide and User Guide instrustar 2021-3-27 14507 Ernastrounk 2023-8-3 18:57
SDK Add linux so library C SDK/二次开发包 instrustar 2021-12-28 51385 Ernastrounk 2023-8-2 08:50
The Instrustar Forum was established. Welcome Forum Suggestions instrustar 2021-3-27 14248 Ernastrounk 2023-7-31 09:47
DDS does not work at verision新人帖 Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 Drinski67 2022-10-28 31843 pavlenkoa 2023-1-20 01:09
Firmware file新人帖 Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 yasin 2022-1-16 62862 Stim 2022-12-9 03:04
ISDS205B V3.13.8.0 do not work Sweeperattachment ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  pavlenkoa 2022-11-16 022630 pavlenkoa 2022-11-16 02:29
ISDS205B V3.13.8.0 do not work Fixed sampleattach_img ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  pavlenkoa 2022-11-14 016712 pavlenkoa 2022-11-14 17:52
ISDS205B V3.13.8.0 do not work Fixed sample新人帖 attach_img ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  pavlenkoa 2022-11-14 016701 pavlenkoa 2022-11-14 02:43
ISDS205C Windows10 no recognize新人帖 attachment ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  Karen 2022-11-2 012562 Karen 2022-11-2 03:52
DDS do not work at ISDS205X Software V ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  Drinski67 2022-10-28 012272 Drinski67 2022-10-28 03:41
Single Mode Trigger Using SDK VC新人帖 ISDS220 Series/ISDS220 系列 yaman 2022-8-13 116720 yaman 2022-9-2 01:21
Stitching .osc Files ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  rfj 2022-8-12 014204 rfj 2022-8-12 00:59
How to Move the Cursorattachment Software Suggestions rfj 2022-6-10 018538 rfj 2022-6-10 02:55
Longer Time新人帖 ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  rfj 2022-6-10 018744 rfj 2022-6-10 02:50
isds205x firmware updates新人帖 ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  marcokitt2000 2022-6-7 017425 marcokitt2000 2022-6-7 03:24
Signal Library User Guide Publish Signal Library/信号处理库 admin 2022-4-22 02120 admin 2022-4-22 18:19
Need firmware for DDS generator ISDS205B.新人帖 Multi VirAnalyzer/多功能虚拟信号分析仪 Vest 2022-3-15 02023 Vest 2022-3-15 23:17
Kompedans test新人帖 attachment Application Techniques Oğuz123 2021-5-5 14453 jdmelektronik 2021-12-14 03:03
DDS FM AM 1Khz tone modulation sine wave新人帖 Software Suggestions dial-a-monkey 2021-11-24 120167 dial-a-monkey 2021-11-24 08:25
Impedance measurementattachment Application Techniques dj2 2021-4-21 16105 ramjet1953 2021-11-22 09:29
Linux Version of MultVerAnalyzer新人帖 Software Suggestions ramjet1953 2021-11-20 020334 ramjet1953 2021-11-20 09:20
Multi VirAnalyzer bugs.新人帖 attachment  ...2 Software Suggestions Stim 2021-4-4 1145022 admin 2021-11-16 10:29
Hotkeys.新人帖 attachment Software Suggestions rotor 2021-10-24 120621 admin 2021-10-27 09:55
FREQ Meter Utility新人帖 Software Suggestions cgom 2021-10-22 020539 cgom 2021-10-22 19:28
The vid pid of the oscilloscope does not match with the driver (unknown device)新人帖 Application Techniques alexbel 2021-9-19 23161 alexbel 2021-10-5 01:38
Advanced Math functions Software Suggestions jean-raphael 2021-8-26 0454 jean-raphael 2021-8-26 01:18
color menu新人帖 Software Suggestions jean-raphael 2021-5-13 12386 jean-raphael 2021-8-26 01:07
50 Hz spectrum analyzer新人帖 ISDS205 Series/ISDS205 系列  AdrianT 2021-6-22 018091 AdrianT 2021-6-22 03:24
Data save with CSV file新人帖 attachment Software Suggestions Marley 2021-5-6 223361 Marley 2021-5-18 10:24
current probe Software Suggestions jean-raphael 2021-5-13 12407 instrustar 2021-5-15 10:15
How about adding a forum channel "Application techniques"?新人帖 Forum Suggestions dj2 2021-4-18 111561 admin 2021-4-19 10:02
Bew forum channel "Application Techniques"新人帖 Application Techniques admin 2021-4-19 02980 admin 2021-4-19 10:01

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