Drinski67 Publish time 2022-10-28 03:35:38

DDS does not work at verision

DDS does not work at verision

When I switch on DDS wave generator at fixed frequency it works as I switched on swipe.

admin Publish time 2022-12-15 07:13:04

Please Download the new verison software


pavlenkoa Publish time 2023-1-20 01:07:05

Good afternoon, do not work sweeper in this version. In ver.V3.13.2.0 all OK! Hope for help.

By the way, the version number shown is incorrect. showing - should be

In ver.V3.13.2.0 all OK!

pavlenkoa Publish time 2023-1-20 01:09:58

Edited by pavlenkoa at 2022-11-16 13:40

Good afternoon, when you install the option "Fixed sample", the oscilloscope takes on a life of its own. Sets the value regardless of your settings. This happens the same way in the simple and pro version. Hope for help.

Added... Checked version V3.12.6.0. Everything works here.
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